

Steve Biko: I Write what I Like pt2(audiobook) “Black Consciousness”

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Steve Biko I write what I like

People,Terms,Abbreviations, and definitions
“Mea Culpa” Latin :My Fault
“Tua Culpa” your fault
The Transkei, officially the Republic of Transkei, was a Bantustan—an area set aside for members of a specific ethnicity—and nominal parliamentary democracy in the southeastern region of South Africa
Kaiser Daliwonga Mathanzima (Matanzima) (15 June 1915 – 15 June 2003) was a leader of the Transkei in South Africa.
CRC: Colored representative council
NUSAS: National Union of South African Students
SASO: South African Students Organization
BPC: Black peoples Convention
ASUSA:African Students Union of South Africa
PAC: Pan Africanist Congress
ANC: African National Congress
UCM: University Christian Movement
ASB: Afrikaanse Studentebond
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